4 Health-Boosting Benefits of Tofu

4 Health-Boosting Benefits of Tofu

Whether you follow a fully vegan diet or just like to plan the occasional meatless Monday, tofu makes a versatile, economical addition to your shopping cart (online or otherwise). Better yet, it's full of good nutrition, delivering some of these important health benefits.

Zapping Germs With Zinc

Zapping Germs With Zinc

Eating tofu can enhance your immunity thanks to a generous dose of zinc. This mineral helps regulate cells in the body that detect and kill germs before they make us sick. Tofu is a great way for vegetarians to get enough zinc, since it mostly comes from meat intake.

Cutting Artery-Clogging Cholesterol

Cutting Artery Clogging Cholesterol

Too much cholesterol can cause serious cardiac health issues like heart attack and stroke. Tofu not only provides a cholesterol-free protein source but also lowers the levels of this build-up in the blood to keep your heart healthy. Studies show that a compound called isoflavone in tofu clears the arteries of cholesterol.

Keeping the Heart Healthy

Keeping the Heart Healthy

In addition to clearing cholesterol, tofu can also help prevent heart disease. The soy-based selection contains proteins that reduce inflammation, an underlying cause of this cardiac condition and other chronic illnesses.

Building Better Bones

Building Better Bones

The calcium content in tofu helps strengthen your skeleton, which prevents the development of osteoporosis in older adulthood. In addition to most of the recommended daily amount of this nutrient, tofu is also rich in other minerals that promote healthy bones like magnesium and phosphorus.

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