Bedtime Snacks to Satisfy Your Late Night Cravings

When it comes to late night snacking, the right food can improve sleep and also boost health. Research shows, for example, that small, nutritious snacks before bed can benefit muscle protein synthesis and cardiometabolic health.
For best benefits, choose nutrient-rich, low-energy snacks of less than 200 calories. And if the foods contain calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which help improve sleep, even better. Here are some healthy choices to consider the next time the nighttime munchies strike.
When You're Craving Something Savory

Roasted chickpeas. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, chickpeas make a great snack when roasted in the oven. Toss the chickpeas with olive oil and seasonings such as cayenne pepper, garlic salt, paprika, and curry powder before roasting.
Nuts. Walnuts, pistachios, and almonds contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Add dried fruit such as raisins and apricots to make a trail mix.
Popcorn. Plain, air popped popcorn is only 30 calories a cup. Swap the butter for olive oil and sprinkle on parmesan to add flavor.
Cheese. For a nibbly that's high in calcium and protein, try low-fat cheese with whole grain crackers on the side. Cottage cheese — which has vitamin B12, phosphorus, and riboflavin — is also a good choice.
When You're Craving Something Sweet

Fresh fruit. Figs, grapes, peaches, and apple slices can satisfy a sugar craving while adding nutrients to your diet. Cherries and kiwifruit in particular have been shown to have a positive effect on sleep.
Greek yogurt. Drizzle honey on plain Greek yogurt and add some berries on top for a sweet snack you don't have to feel guilty about.
Sweet potatoes. This high-fiber, low-fat food stimulates melatonin production and contains plenty of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and B6. Try roasting a sweet potato with cinnamon and paprika.
When You're Really Hungry

Tuna and crackers. Some heart-healthy fish with iron, vitamin B6, and potassium can make a satisfying snack with whole-grain crackers.
Oatmeal. Oats are rich in magnesium, potassium, fiber, and complex carbs to keep you full for longer. Add a sliced banana, walnuts, and splash of milk.
Cereal. A bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk is a light and comforting snack. The milk provides tryptophan, an amino acid that's changed into serotonin in the brain to create a feeling of calmness.
Eggs. Hard-boiled or scrambled eggs are an easy protein-packed snack. Eggs contain iron and sleep-promoting melatonin. Roasted turkey. Turkey is a good source of lean protein and tryptophan. Make a small turkey sandwich with lettuce and cheese or have a small portion with a side of brown rice.