Can You Eat Daffodils?

Can You Eat Daffodils?

You cannot under any circumstances eat daffodils. The stems of the plants may look like onions but they are not the same. The plants are poisonous and should not be eaten in any way or form.

Side Effects from Eating Daffodils


If you by mistake eat daffodils, then there will be side effects you may experience depending on what part you have eaten. You may get diarrhea, nausea, and burning in the mouth. Plain and simple, you need to get rid of the poison. It may be wise to call poison control immediately.

What To Do If you Ingest Daffodils


If you are experiencing side effects listed above and have eat or even handled daffodils , there is a good chance you have been poisoned by the plant. If the vomiting is not too severe, then keep drinking lots of water to keep from getting dehydrated. If symptoms last, you should contact poison control or contact your doctor as soon as possible.

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