How Much Alcohol is Too Much for the Holidays?

Holiday parties and alcohol seem to be synonymous with one another. But knowing your limit and when it’s time to back away from the White Claws or spiked punch is important. Surveys have shown that up to 47 percent of men and 40 percent of women binge drink on New Year’s Eve. So how do you know how much alcohol is too much alcohol this holiday season?
Gender Matters

Pick your poison—beer, wine, champagne, hard seltzer, so on—whatever you’re drinking, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that men can have two drinks or fewer per day and women can only have one. The CDC considers “one drink” to be a 12-ounce beer, a glass of wine, 8 ounces of malt liquor, or a 1.5-ounce shot of whiskey, vodka, or other distilled spirits. Sounding less than merry while you’re merrymaking or reveling with friends while ringing in the new year?
Social Drinking Versus Binge Drinking

For some folks, drinking just one or two drinks does not feel satisfying. However, if you’re going to drink more, it’s important to know that there is a fine line between social drinking and binge drinking. Binge drinking—again, gender matters—occurs when men have five or more or women have four or more drinks within a two-hour period of time.
Social pressures during the holidays can lead to inadvertent binge drinking, so paying close attention to your alcohol intake when you’re partying with family and friends is important. When possible, spread the drinks you have out during the course of the event. Also, sip on your drink instead of drinking it quickly. And when you’re drinking, stay hydrated by alternating alcoholic beverages with virgin drinks, water or soda.
It’s also equally important to avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Fiber-filled foods and veggies are good choices along with lean protein can really help offset the detrimental effect that alcohol has on the body.
What Do Dieticians Say?

Dieticians note that alcohol is loaded with empty calories. But if you’re going to drink, the consensus seems to be on drinking clear liquors—gin, vodka—because they usually have fewer calories. Beverages and mixed drinks made with syrups and that have a lot of sugar in them are best avoided. However, it’s important to note that a glass of wine with dinner or a bottle of beer while watching the ball drop is likely not enough to derail your eating plan going forward.