Is Mango A Citrus Fruit?

The mango is not a citrus fruit. This is because it isn't a member of the same genus as citrus fruits. In fact, the mango isn't even a member of the same family.
What Are Citrus Fruits?

Citrus fruits are produced by trees and shrubs of the genus Citrus, which in turn, fall into the family Rutaceae. The latter includes some other species of note such as the common rue. However, the genus Citrus tends to get the most attention because oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits are so important from a commercial perspective.
What Is the Mango?

Meanwhile, the mango tends to come from a single species called Mangifera indica, which originated from the region encompassing northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh, and northeastern India. However, other edible fruits in the genus Mangifera are also sometimes called mangoes, thus creating the potential for confusion. Regardless, these species are members of the family Anacardiaceae.
What Are Some Mango Relatives?

There are other members of the family Anacardiaceae that should be well-known to most interested individuals. For example, cashews are produced by the type genus Anacardium. Meanwhile, pistachios once had their own family but are now considered members of the family Anacardiaceae. Besides these, both poison ivy and poison oak are members as well.