Refuel and Recover With These 6 Post-Workout Foods

Drop the protein bars and stick the protein shakes back in the fridge. While both are okay on occasion, you can benefit more from a more diverse diet. To boost gains and fill up at the same time, you need to add the right foods and a variety of them to your diet. Eating the right foods post-workout is almost as important as your workout itself. Better food choices can reduce muscle soreness, promote faster recovery, replenish glycogen stores, boost the immune system, and even build muscle.
A rundown of the top foods to think about noshing on post-workout can help you get started.
Whole Eggs

The incredible, edible egg. It’s not just a slogan. Eggs truly are a powerhouse of goodness for you when you’re looking to get jacked (or just take fitness to a new level). Studies aplenty have shown their benefits, but a University of Illinois study was particularly telling. It involved male participants who were regular lifters consuming either three whole eggs or 18 grams of protein delivered via an egg white mixture.
Despite the fact that the mixture and the whole eggs gave the participants the exact same amount of protein, the subjects who ate the whole eggs saw a 40-percent greater muscle-building response. Researchers posit that the yolk’s the secret. It contains vitamins and minerals such as iron and phosphorus along with healthy fats, which may allow tired muscles to more readily use protein.
Smoked Salmon

Studies have repeatedly shown that upping your intake of omega-3s, like those found in salmon (as well as mackerel and sardines) can reduce the incidence of delayed-onset muscle soreness. Researchers believe that omega-3 make their way into the cells of the muscles, reducing damage that would otherwise result in inflammation.
Sweet Potatoes

While starchy root vegetables are a big no-no for folks who follow a keto eating plan, carbs are pretty essential to post-workout recovery, experts say. In fact, a Journal of Applied Physiology report notes that eating carbohydrate-rich foods such as sweet potatoes and fruit after intense exercise can reduce the immune system drop normally experienced. However, the carbs consumed right after training, say the pros, are more likely to provide energy than to be converted to fat.

There is a lot to love about quinoa, especially if you’re vegan or vegetarian, or if you are aiming to keep gluten out of your diet due to celiac disease or intolerance. This complex whole grain is brimming with both carbs and protein and is a great post-workout recovery food.

Can’t stomach the idea of packing on the carbs post-workout? Avocado to the rescue. An excellent choice for post-recovery food intake, avocado is also a staple of ketogenic and low-carb diets. It’s high in healthy fats that keep you feeling full.
Tart Cherry Juice

Shown to assist in post-intense-training recovery, Montmorency tart cherry juice (or dried cherries) contains loads of anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants. It is thought that tart cherry juice helps in recovery after weight training and also improves exercise performance in general.