Strict Rules Female Athletes Have To Follow

Strict Rules Female Athletes Have To Follow

Being an athlete is no easy feat. It involves a lot of training, hard work, and discipline. Life for female athletes is even more complicated than for their male counterparts. Here are some stringent rules that only apply to the ladies in the world of professional sports.

No Snacking on the Sidelines

NFL Cheerleading   No Eating In Uniform

With the exception of water, cheerleaders are never permitted to consume food or beverage while in uniform. One spaghetti stain could spell trouble for the whole squad, so we get it, but half of those girls probably have fried chicken on the brain while they're shaking those poms.

Strict Uniform Requirements

Strict Uniform Requirements

Those stunning uniforms you see on the ice have to meet professional guidelines, which means figure skaters are limited to skirts or full-length bodysuits. Since they play such a vital role in the way a skater can move, twist, and spin, they take a more pivotal position than people assume.

Seamless Transitions

Seamless Transitions

When gymnasts perform, they usually execute many different skills. Not only that, but they can’t pause between moves, they have to flawlessly transition from one skill to the next making it all look connected. If they miss connections, take a breather, or even stop after a mistake, judges penalize them.

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