Follow Alejandra Gil On Instagram For Inspiration

Alejandra Gil entered this world in 1990. While she may have changed the lives of her parents, they probably never knew she'd one day be changing others people's lives as she grew up; they didn't know she'd make such a splash in this big world. Truly, she shows people regularly that getting fit is fun and worth it. She also proves to women that you don't have to be a size 0 to be healthy. Curves and all, she's motivating people to change their lives for the better.
Sexy Is a Mindset

Some many people think they can't be sexy because they don't have "the look." Five years ago, Alejandra wouldn't have had the look that models were supposed to have because she's short and didn't have the right body measurements. Originally, she wasn't happy with her body because she wasn't rail-thin. While she could have left well enough alone, she worked hard, slimmed down, and still kept her curves. She's redefining sexy and wants people to know that sexy is your state of mind, not whether or not you fit into the "sexy cookie-cutter" or not.
Hard Work Is Key

Alejandra understands that many people think she got lucky. However, she doesn't believe that her looks are solely what got her to this point. This Columbian social media influencer and Instagram model attributes her fame to the hard work she did at the gym. She also believes it has much to do with her willingness to share her journey with the public and inspire people who were once like her — self-conscious.
Alejandra's Words of Words of Wisdom: Don't Strive to Fit in and Follow Her Today

Currently, Alejandra has over 2 million followers. Some of which started following her when she just started her fitness journey. They watched her grow, change, and find success within herself. Instead of fitting in, she strived to stand out. She encourages others to do the same. Uniqueness makes people stand out, not fitting into the mold that society has created for perfection. If just fitting in was the key to success, she would have never gotten as far as she has because she didn't fit in. Follow her on Instagram today for motivation in life, fitness, and more.