Follow Jeremy Ethier for Fitness Tips and Inspiration

Follow Jeremy Ethier for Fitness Tips and Inspiration

Jeremy Ethier is a personal trainer and founder of the popular fitness website, Built With Science. He's dedicated to helping people get the body they want using techniques based on scientific research.

He's got the credentials to back up his work — he's a kinesiologist and certified by NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and FMS (Functional Movement Screen). His programs have also been featured in Men's Health, Muscle and Health, Women's Fitness, and Train magazines.

Jeremy's passion for helping others reach their fitness goals stems from his own experiences trying to bulk up. Describing himself as "extremely skinny" and insecure as a teen, Jeremy once struggled to add size. His father took him to the gym to start working out, kickstarting his lifelong interest in fitness.

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Driven by a desire to understand the human body and performance, Jeremy began expanding his formal knowledge. He earned his NASM certification by age 18 and went on to study kinesiology at Simon Fraser University near his home in Vancouver, Canada.

It was here that his interest in fitness, training, and coaching was fully ignited. He learned about biomechanics, rehabilitation, and theories behind nutrition, ensuring there's a scientific reason behind everything he advocates. In 2014, while at school, Jeremy began publishing workouts and recipes online, and now shares his knowledge with more than 4 million subscribers on YouTube.

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Jeremy also launched the Built With Science website, where you can get coaching from his team of trainers and dietitians as well as access fitness and nutrition programs for men and women. These programs feature a curriculum, tutorials, and tracking software to help people meet their workout goals faster, whether they want to add lean muscle, shed fat, or break through plateaus and maximize muscle growth. While the Built With Science programs are for sale, he provides as much free content as possible through his social platforms.

His YouTube channel, for example, features a full series of workout videos targeting body parts such as the back, shoulders, chest, forearm, legs, triceps, and biceps. Not sure what to eat to get ripped or how to do a pull-up? You'll find plenty of guidance here.

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Most importantly, Jeremy wants followers to avoid mistakes that hold them back from progress. There are videos about the best and worst chest exercises for chest growth, problems with form that may be keeping your shoulders small, and the right way to do curls to get bigger biceps. You can also learn to prevent strain and injury — his Instagram page has a post on how to properly do the plank so you feel it in your abs and not your back.

Follow Jeremy Ethier on YouTube or Instagram for fitness inspiration that's backed by science.

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