Get Back Into Fitness With a 2-Minute Home Workout

Between family, work, and other commitments, getting back into fitness can be a struggle after you’ve taken time off. Taking small steps is key, which is why many people can benefit from starting with a simple two-minute workout. This quick workout can be done whenever and wherever.
Start With a Quick Cardio Burn

Start with cardio to get the heart working harder. Start with a brisk walk in place, swinging the arms and bringing the knees high with each step. Add in a few rounds of wide lateral steps, then jog in place for a few seconds.
To make this circuit more challenging, try a few alternate movements or progressions. Instead of lateral steps, try jumping lunges. Start slowly, then speed up the movement with the core engaged and shoulders relaxed.
Swap the jog for squat jumps, bringing your hips parallel to your knees and then exploding upward. Add burpees to the circuit for an intense burn.
Repeat the circuit several times until about a minute has passed.
Bring the Heat With a Core Circuit

After getting the heart rate up and blood flowing, add in some strength work. Lying down with the knees bent and feet raised, alternate lowering one leg to the ground at a time to perform a bicycle kick. To spice this movement up, raise the upper body and twist to alternating sides with each kick. Repeat five reps per side.
Then, extend the hands overhead and the legs outward while lying down. Bring the hands and feet together by bending at the hip and engaging the core to perform a v-up, and repeat for five reps. Make it more challenging by rotating the upper body and bringing a hand to the opposite foot and alternating sides.
Alternate these two exercises with good form for a full minute to light up the abs.