Running Safety Tips

From the breeze in your hair to the sun on your face, few exercise routines feel as refreshing as a good run. But sometimes, running by yourself can be a little scary, especially for women. Incorporating some basic safety measures can add some peace of mind.
Get Ready

Before you put rubber to asphalt, check out your route. Identify any isolated areas of your trail. Where are the exits in those places? If the passage you plan to run has sections with no visible exits, consider another route or invite a running buddy.
Besides your route, think about self-defense. Many gyms offer self-defense classes, but even if you don’t take a class, consider moves you could use to defend yourself if attacked. An attack isn’t a game, so you don’t have to “play” fair: A finger in the eye or a kick to the groin can work well to disable an attacker so that you have the chance to flee.
Get Set

Human beings have a gift: It’s called the survival instinct. Pay attention to it. If you feel uncomfortable running in a certain location, don’t run there. If you’re unnerved by someone running just a little too close to you, remove yourself from the situation. Remember: You don’t have to explain your choices to anyone, even yourself. Trust your gut.
Trust your senses, too. Music sets the rhythm for a good running pace, but keep one ear bud out so that you can hear what’s going on around you. Even if you're "in the zone" as you run, occasionally get out of it to assess your surroundings.