Zercher Squats: An Insane New Twist to an Old Classic

The Zercher squat is perhaps the most unknown and undervalued exercise you should be checking out. It's basically a normal barbell squat with the bar placed in the crook of your elbows instead of one of more usual positions. It really develops your core, your glutes, and your hamstrings, and improves your technique like nothing else. It's a great exercise no matter why you work out.
The Technique
To being with, set the barbell at waist height in a power rack and bend your arms with your elbows against your body, with your elbows shoulder width apart. Dip down and position the barbell in the crook of your elbows. Stand up, lifting the barbell as you do, and step back. Keep the barbell close to your torso. Place your feet a little further apart than your shoulders with your toes pointing out a little bit. This will provide you with a stable base.
Start performing the squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Keep pushing your hips back throughout the entire squat. As you lower your body, keep your chest puffed out and hold it as high as you can. Continue lowering yourself until your elbows touch your thighs.
Drive your feel into the floor to begin coming back up. As you do, push your knees a little apart. As you come back into the standing position, squeeze your glutes for some extra support but do not over-arch your back.
Hand Position
You have two options when it comes to hand placement. You can clasp your hands together. Doing this will give you more support, and make the squat a little easier. However, it's better to keep your hands unclenched and held about should width apart. This forces you to take more care with your technique, and it will help you develop superior form. It is better to load a little less onto the bar so that you can keep your hands apart. Clenching your hands might allow you to lift a little more weight, but the point of the Zercher position is developing technique and strengthening your stabilizers, it is not maxing out your lifts. Don't sacrifice your technique just for the sake of your ego.
The Takeaway
Zercher squats are ideal for beginners, because they teach superior technique. They are great for people with back problems, because they reduce the compression on the spine. They can give you an excellent full body workout. They aren't easy, but they are well worth the effort. Try a set the next time you hit the gym.