5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility

5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility

Even if you don't practice yoga regularly, you can enjoy its benefits by incorporating poses — also called asanas — into your fitness routine.

Yoga is an excellent activity for improving flexibility and range of motion. Regular stretching enhances joint mobility, prevents injury, and helps muscles to stay supple and limber.

Try these yoga poses as a cool-down after a workout.

1. Bridge Pose

5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility   Bridge Pose

Bridge pose, or setu bandhasana in Sanskrit, stretches the hip flexors, chest, and spine while also working your glutes. Begin this pose lying on your back with your knees bent. As you press the soles of your feet firmly into the ground, lift your tailbone, lower back, and mid-back.

Learn to do the bridge pose at Gaia

2. Cow Face Pose

5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility   Cow Face Pose

Gomukhasana is a full-body stretch. As you sit with folded, stacked legs and an elongated back, reach your arms behind you and clasp the fingers. Cow face pose is adaptable for different skill levels. You can use a blanket to support the hips or hold a strap if your hands can't meet.

Learn to do cow face pose at Yoga Journal

3. Legs Up the Wall Pose

5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility   Legs Up the Wall Pose

Viparita karani is a passive, inverted pose that stretches the hamstrings, glutes, and chest. Place your buttocks a few inches away from a wall, lying on your side, then turn onto your back and rest your legs against the wall. You can place a folded blanket under the lower back for support.

Learn to do legs up the wall pose at Adventure Yoga

4. One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility   One Legged King Pigeon Pose

One-legged king pigeon pose is a deep hip-opener and perfect for those who sit a lot during the day. The beginner's variation begins in table pose on your hands and knees. Bring one leg forward and turn it slightly to rest the outside of the shin on the ground. Meanwhile, extend the back leg fully behind you and lift your torso. Eka pada rajakapotasana focuses on rotating the joint where the femur meets the hip socket while also stretching the hip flexor muscle that connects the torso and legs.

Learn how to do the one-legged king pigeon pose at Everyday Yoga

5. Sphinx Pose

5 Yoga Poses for Flexibility   Sphinx Pose

Sphinx pose, also called salamba bhujangasana, is an excellent asana for opening the lower back and psoas muscle hip flexor. Begin by lying on your stomach with your elbows under the shoulders and forearms parallel on the floor. Gently lift your upper body away from the floor into a gentle backbend.

Learn to do the sphinx pose at Yoga Journal

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