Does Salad Make You Poop?
October 1, 2021

Eating salad will help you to have a good poop. If you are having problems with constipation or having bowel movements, eating salads will help you.
Eating Green Foods

If you are having problems with your bowel movements, the first thing you need to think about doing is to change your diet and the main thing you need to do it is eat lots of green veggies, such as items in salads. You can include leafy greens, cucumbers, beans, and spinach.
Can I Eat Other Things Besides Salad

You can always eat more than salad if you are having problems pooping and need to have a good bowel movement. It is always good to eat and well balanced meal, including a salad at least once each day. You should also try to drink at least 8 cups of water each day to keep you from having problems with pooping.