Does Using Your Phone On the Toilet Cause Hemorrhoids?

Sitting on the toilet with a book, magazine or newspaper to read has been commonplace in American bathrooms for decades but in the age of smartphones, more Americans likely find themselves playing games, scrolling social media or watching YouTube videos to keep their minds busy while having a bowel movement. But is the popularity of smartphones leading to an influx of hemorrhoids?
Are Hemorrhoids Actually Developing From Smartphone Use On the Toilet?

Doctors have been warning people for years that reading on the toilet can lead to the development of hemorrhoids and while that might sound far-fetched, there's a good reason behind it. Reading on the toilet takes the focus off of the task at hand (i.e. moving the bowels) and as a result, can lead to longer toilet times. And of course, sitting on the toilet for a prolonged period of time puts pressure on the rectum and ultimately, increases the likelihood of hemorrhoid development.
Now that smartphones have come into play, distraction is at an all-time high. Whether you're gaming, reading, watching videos, or scrolling social media, there's a good chance that you're spending more time on the toilet, thus increasing your hemorrhoid risk.
What Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, sometimes called piles, are swollen veins that appear in the anus or lower rectum. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external.
Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum; however, they can prolapse, falling through the anus. Typically, internal hemorrhoids aren't painful unless they've prolapsed but they can bleed after bowel movements.
External hemorrhoids occur on or near the anus. They typically itch and in most cases, they're quite painful.
Both internal and external hemorrhoids are usually easy to treat. Often, they go away on their own and symptoms can be treated with topical, over-the-counter ointments. In rare cases, prescription ointments or even surgery can be necessary to remove hemorrhoids.
Are Hemorrhoids Common?

Hemorrhoids are quite common in the U.S. In fact, they regularly affect one in 20 Americans, and three out of four Americans will have a hemorrhoid at least once in their lifetime.
Preventing Hemorrhoids

There are a few things you can do to prevent hemorrhoids, including getting plenty of fluids, eating high-fiber foods and a healthy diet, and avoiding holding in your bowel movements.
On top of that, it's important to avoid sitting on the toilet too long, and one of the best ways to do that is by putting down your smartphone.