What Does Eggplant Taste Like?

Eggplant Can Have Different Tastes
Different preparation can provide eggplant with different tastes. In particular, raw eggplant can taste very different from cooked eggplant, which is something that interested individuals might want to know about.
What Does Raw Eggplant Taste Like?

Raw eggplant isn't the strongest-tasting substance out there. It is possible for it to have some bitterness. However, there is an ongoing effort to produce less and less bitter eggplants. Texture-wise, raw eggplant is best-described as being spongy. Of course, bruising can result in a different experience because that tends to be a sign of damaged flesh beneath the skin.
What Does Cooked Eggplant Taste Like?

Cooked eggplant can be much different. Generally speaking, the bitterness fades in intensity, so much so that interested individuals might not even notice it. At the same time, it becomes richer, softer, and creamier. Cooked eggplant is also interesting in that it can soak up flavors from other ingredients with relative ease.
What Is the Best Way to Eat Eggplant?

People should eat cooked eggplant rather than raw eggplant. Primarily, this is because cooked eggplant tends to taste better than raw eggplant for most people because of the bitterness. However, it should also be mentioned that raw eggplant has been known to cause gastrointestinal distress, particularly when it has been eaten in large quantities.